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    No one Knows I'm a Famous Actor

    No one Knows I'm a Famous Actor
    I fought back my tears as I desperately tried to stop the love of my life from walking away my love please don't go I don't think I could live without you then prove it to me give me one more reason to stay you can have everything my heart my mind my body my soul and most importantly my lips the raindrops danced around us as we shared the most passionate kiss ever and cut perfect that's a wrap the director had already yelled cut but Reese kept kissing me I had to push her away because her breath smelled so bad I almost threw up it's rot and tuna isn't it I told you not to eat something stinky before our kissing scenes ignore my calls again and it's a dead rat next time you're crazy having Reese as my female lead was a total pain in the butt our agency told us to act like lovers to promote a romance film but she was too clingy to be a fake girlfriend she was even worse than my obsessed fan girls who had no concept of privacy after filming I escaped to my private gym to work out but just as I stepped out of the shower a creepy girl suddenly descended from the ceiling who are you and how did you get in here I was just destined to be here finally I got to see you up close I couldn't believe you're real you're just too handsome it hurts I immediately alerted my bodyguards and they caught her in midair as she tried to pounce on me like the hungriest Tigress alive Leon please just one chance jeez can I ever catch a freaking break hey what's up my name is Leon and I'm a famous teen actor with a super gorgeous girlfriend and the most passionate fan girls ever it might sound like every teenage guy's dream but to me it was the worst nightmare before I continue please like And subscribe the gym incident quickly made the news and instead of addressing it my psycho mom/manager was thrilled the more obsessed fans you have the better it just means you're getting even more popular I'm expecting more movie offers and brand deals after this but we should file a harassment case against that girl and we also need to do something about Reese we don't have to do anything sweetheart just be grateful for your Fame and enjoy it then could you at least let me enjoy an ice cream today you know sweets are strictly out of your diet plan your next role is an expert martial artist who hunts robot sharks on land so you have to bulk up girls love ABS I thought we were rejecting that offer you know I can't do action I'm a clumsy scaredy bunny Mom that's what stunt doubles are for having my controlling mom as my boss and manager was the worst I just wanted some peace and quiet but it was impossible with with her later that day while we were filming in a park reys kept Clinging On to me like a leech even during film breaks Reese for the love of God get off me but you told me that I can have everything including your body that was just a line from our movie and to make matters worse a group of jealous fans managed to pass through the barricades and sent our filming set into chaos get off him you ugly clingy witch as I escaped to my car I noticed missed a guy around my age peacefully playing with a claw machine on the side of the street it was nothing special but it was all I ever wanted to be in my own world without others minding my business it was just a brief moment but it finally drove me to confront my mom I told her about wanting to take a break from my career and she thought I had lost my mind I just want to live my life as me no more fake girlfriends fake personalities and crazy women around me 24/7 I tired of it so please just give me this oh stop being dramatic what if you do something stupid and ruin the image that we've built over all these years as a celebrity we have this specific image that we project to the public and mine was the mysterious Prince Persona that drove the ladies wild but in reality I was the complete opposite it would be cool for Leon to disappear for a while and just be normal that's it I just needed to announce to everyone one that Leon had gone abroad to take a break and be a completely different person while he was away maybe a disguise would do the trick I tried on a black wig swapped my blue eyes for green contacts put on glasses then wore some weird cheap clothes and boom what's up loser mom was balling when she saw me oh my goodness what an ugly creature bring back my handsome son it took me a couple of days to finally calm her down and convince her about my plan give me at least a year break or else I will never go back to acting ever fine but you have to live somewhere else with no bodyguards no private chefs and no driver just one Ma and a credit card oh that's totally fine with me and just like that I started a new chapter in my life as the nerdy loser Noel on my way to my first day of school I felt like a lost bunny who had just been let out onto the city streets for the first time my glasses were constantly fogging up making it impossible to see clearly as I carefully walked up the city staircase I unexpectedly tripped I mentally prepared myself for a painful fall but out of nowhere a hand wrapped around my waist and steadied me my heart skipped a beat as I looked up and saw the most stunning girl I had ever seen watch where you're going princess just as I was about to regain my balance she suddenly let go of me I gasped but she swiftly grabbed my hand and pulled me back with a smirk why would you tease me like that because you're cute I was aware that I was cute but not in this disguise how dare you make fun of me don't you know who I am of course you're a lost rabbit who needs a little guidance see you around to my surprise she suddenly jumped over the railings and I just found myself chasing after her when I looked down she was already sitting on a motorcycle while holding her helmet and smirking up at me was she expecting me to follow her time seemed to slow down when she put on the helmet turned on the engine and pumped it up so pretty and badass my heart dropped when she blew me a kiss for speeding away I blinked wait I bolted down the stairs to catch up but she was already gone leaving me flustered and intrigued who is that girl eventually I found my way to my school building and into my class as I walked in all eyes were on me as if I were the president of the losers Club even the girls were giving me a disgusted look which was totally new to me and I wasn't complaining I headed towards an empty seat but just as I was about to sit down some dude suddenly kicked the chair away sending me crashing to the floor ah what the heck man my bad I was just practicing my signature move for my next Blockbuster movie I'm basically the next action star you know oh I didn't expect a fellow actor to be here but he didn't look familiar at all take it easy on him Paxton I didn't even touch the dude and that was when the entire class erupted in laughter so this is what bullies are like in real life huh it's no different from the movies I stood up quietly walked to the back of the classroom and just stood there awkwardly the door slid open and the room fell silent as a confident figure walked in it was that stunning motorcycle girl so she actually goes to this school too Paxton and the other guys were practically drooling which was pretty understandable she's Dro dead gorgeous without even trying I was busy gawking at her when she unexpectedly turned to me oh hello princess I didn't expect to see you here small world huh why are you standing there I uh I don't have a seat come sit on my lap then I almost choked on my own tonsils before I could process her unexpected offer Paxton suddenly swooped in and offered me a new chair here's your seat buddy all righty then Paxton's jealous face turned triumphant while I was left disappointed during our class I kept finding myself staring at my pretty seatmate secretly her side profile looked breathtaking and the way she effortlessly bit on her pen and spun it around her fingers was so cool I had worked with tons of beautiful teen actresses my whole life but it was the first time that a girl got me genuinely intrigued I wonder what her name was later that day in the canteen I found out that I could eat whatever I wanted and I was ecstatic all my life it had always been my mom our private chefs and my assistants who decided what I should eat and it was such a bummer dude are you going to eat the whole canteen or what he's going to eat everything and nothing will be left to us we're doomed oh don't worry I'm going to pay for everything I handed the lunch lady my credit card and everyone was looking at me like I just farted that's not how it works here young man is this your first time going to an actual school just then the pretty girl suddenly appeared he took a lot of food because it's actually for two people right what is she talking about right uh yes we're going to share come on I'm starving Paxton and the others were looking at us with raised eyebrows as she dragged me to an empty table to my surprise she sat beside me and started eating with me on the same plate seriously on the same plate you're kind of freaking me out to be honest but in a good kind of way so you're repaying me with an insult after I saved your clueless butt sorry it's just weird why a pretty girl like you would be super nice to a new kid like me on my first day hello do you realize that Angels like me actually exist but I'm not doing this for free though of course there had to be a catch there was no way she was actually flirting with an ugly nerd I later realized what her favor was she asked me to cover for her as she snuck out in the middle of class and it was nerve-wracking through the window I saw her riding her motorcycle and leaving what on Earth was she up to soon I learned that her name was Kiara and it was her habit to sneak out of class in the afternoon she was also very famous among the boys especially with Paxton but she just kept turning it down one time Paxton gave her a bouquet of roses and chocolates but what she did next earned some gasps around ah perfect the trash has been starving another time he showed off his brand new car and offered her a ride home but she headed straight to her motorcycle and started it right in front of his car but it just made me even more curious about her and Paxton even more Det determined one day while he and his gang were talking in the hallway I heard something that caught me off guard one day she's going to crawl to me and beg for my attention once my upcoming film becomes successful of course it will bro I'm pretty sure you will be more popular than Leon wait what Leon were they talking about me the next day Paxton showed off his pictures from the filming set to Kiara and it was the movie that Reese and I were currently filming this movie is going to be out soon and I'm going to bless your eyes with Immaculate visuals and acting so your role is a dead person yeah and it's not easy to hold your breath for 2 minutes oh wow that's amazing this is Leon's upcoming movie right how did you know that you're stalking me aren't you I'm stalking that actor because I hate him I hope it's movie flops oh you bet sharing the film set with him was traumatizing he was a total Dr to everyone he's dating his co-star Reese and he was so horrible to her that's not surprising at all I heard he's allergic to girls maybe he's actually gay hearing Kiara talking bad about me made my sight dmn I don't think it's okay to judge someone you don't know oh look we have a fan here Kiara just raised an eyebrow at me and walked out oh no was she unfriending me for that since then Paxton kept telling fake news about me on set just to get 's attention and he was succeeding one time he asked for iced coffee and complained that it was cold oh so he's a I see and oh I also remember when Reese almost threw up during their kissing scene because his breath smelled like rod and tuna a disgusting dumb jerk what a lethal combination seeing Kiara believing all his lies made me Furious so I started ignoring and avoiding her since then but one day she cornered me hey hey princess are you ignoring me on purpose stop calling me princess I'm a freaking guy you're cuter when you're jealous what I'm not jealous why would I I just don't like people who talk bad about others without even knowing them is this about Leon jeez you're really a fan huh interesting I told you I'm not realizing how close her face was to mine my eyes automatically went down to her lips I had kissed tons of women on screen before and expertly on that but why do I feel like farting at the thought of kissing Kiara just then someone called her and she immediately left leaving me flustered all over as I walked out of the room Paxton suddenly blocked my way Kiara will never be yours so stop dreaming loser or else is that a threat The Jerk just answered me with a smirk and left the next day I found a letter in my locker and it was from Kiara hey princess come to the last room on the third floor before our class I have a surprise for you XOXO what was she planning this time driven by curiosity I made my way to the room but the moment I stepped inside the door abruptly locked hey what's happening open the door in that instant a hissing sound reached my ears and when I turned around I found myself face to face with a menacing snake my face turned a shade paler than snow and I let out a shrill scream just just as it was about to strike someone swiftly grabbed it by the neck as if it were nothing and flung it out of the window she looked so cool my heart skipped a beat but I snapped back to reality when I realized what just happened did you plan all of this just to tease me again because it's not funny what do you mean never mind frustrated I dashed out of the room only to see Paxton and his friends in the hallway laughing he was screaming like a freaking girl everyone was making fun of me all day so I decided to skip my remaining classes and head straight home to make myself feel better after a disastrous day I decided to treat myself to a nearby restaurant but as I reached into my pocket to pay the bill Panic washed over me I left my wallet in my locker I explained the situation to the manager but they seemed skeptical of my story so I ended up washing some stacks of dirty dishes as a clueless billionaire who had never watched the dish before the scene turned into a complete disaster just as the man manager was about to flip over me a familiar face appeared in the chaos Kiara what are you doing here I'm about to rescue my princess for the nth time as we watched she revealed that she actually worked part-time in the restaurant her sick mom had a massive debt with the owner and Kiara was working it off so this is where you go whenever you sneak out of class yep oh by the way we need to do something about Paxton what he did to you earlier is totally not cool uh what do you mean I saw him putting that letter in your locker I got curious so I followed you after you read it and thank God I did now that makes more sense I need to teach that JK a lesson that he'll never forget let me help you with that Kar and I planned my revenge together and the opportunity came the very next day our drama club teacher chose Paxton as the main character and I was casted as the waiter in one scene Paxton's character caught his girlfriend cheating in a restaurant and was supposed to cry but he looked more like a constipated frog Paxton is that how an aspiring actor acts you look so constipated I need more emotions let's do it again from the top babe it's not what you think I loved you and did everything for you but this is how you repay me it hurts it really hurts how could you do this to me you ungrateful witch oh for the love of God you you are such a hopeless case finally our teacher had enough and decided to replace Paxton that was Kiara's signal to start our plan excuse me sir but why don't we exchange the roles of the lead and the waiter just a suggestion oh he's ugly but okay let's give it a try all right Noel out Leon in babe it's not what you think I loved you and did everything for you but this is how you repay me it hurts it really hurts how could you do this to me you ungrateful witch out of anger I grabbed the entire table and threw it in Paxton's Direction sending him crashing into the janitor's bucket I then offered my hand to him with a smirk sorry I just got carried away you planned this for Revenge didn't you as he tried to get up Kiara pushed the button on her remote and everyone gasped as smelly black paint fell over him but everyone was too Amazed by my acting to care about Paxton who spent the rest of the day smelling like paint hey best actor I didn't know you had it in you nah it's nothing anyway did you see the look on Paxton's face that was epic I know right that scumbag deserves it Kiara and I became closer over the next few months we even sneaked out of school together and I helped her out at the restaurant then one day when we were at the mall she showed me her sketch pad it was full of awesome motorcycle drawings she told me about her dreams of becoming a motorcycle designer once she pays off her mom's debts looking at her eyes shine as she talked about her Dreams made me feel like farting again oh but her mood changed when she saw my face in a clothing store where I was the brand ambassador to my surprise she grabbed a pen and doodled on it the security caught us so we ended up catching our breaths in the basement why do you hate Leon so much I swear I'm not a fan of his I'm just curious well I have a friend who used to be a huge fan of his one time she tried to visit him on set to give him a gift that she had prepared for months she begged for hours but his assistant said that he couldn't spare even a second to meet his fans I've also heard stories about him snubbing his fans and even getting them into trouble it's just awful wow that's terrible but maybe he also has his reasons fans can be overwhelming sometimes celebrities are humans too look let's not talk about him just the thought of him ruins my mood okay what she said bothered me all night I felt like I needed to change your mind about Leon but how it was the weekend when kiar invited me to play at the arcade while we were struggling with a claw machine she suddenly received an emergency call my brother was rushed to the hospital I need to go I insisted on going with her thankfully he just had a minor tummy infection and he would be fine in a few hours and seeing Kiara taking care of her little brother melted my heart is that your boyfriend uh no he's just a friend and his name is NL hey Noel don't ever hurt my sister or else I'm going to beat your butt loud and clear sir I bought him an ice cream and a burger and he in instantly declared me as his favorite human that night while he was sleeping Kiara asked me to follow her she led me to the parking lot and went straight to her motorcycle where are you going she pushed an extra helmet on my hands and kicked the engine on I felt my cheeks burn as she looked back at me the light of headlights glinted over her helmet and through her eyes is pure beauty you're coming with me I'll show you something special hop in I snapped out of my days and quickly put the helmet on my heart pounded as I mounted the back of her motorcycle and awkwardly placed my hands on her shoulders I didn't see her rolling her eyes amusingly and deliberately jerked the motorcycle forward which made me panic and hug her waist Kiara laughed ah could you stop teasing me I can't help it you're so cute well hold on tight princess let's go yeah then off we go Kiara drove fast but it felt like the world stopped moving the wind touching my face made me feel free and I never felt free for a very long time the warmth of Kiara's back seemed to pass right into my heart and I couldn't deny the fact that I was truly falling in love with this lady night in her shining helmet after several minutes we stopped in front of a lake this is my special place I don't know if it's just me but whenever I'm here it feels like paradise it truly felt like a peaceful Paradise thanks Kiara I really mean it for what for always coming to my rescue and for being a good friend thanks to you I'm just really happy these days it's my first time living without my mom and I was worried at first what's your mom like she used to be really nice but ever since Dad left us she transformed into this evil witch who controlled me like a puppet and it was suffocating that sucks so you ran away from home kind of I'm glad that you did did you deserve to breathe you know and I'm always here for you I looked away as I noticed her staring at me am I making you nervous yes no I mean a little bit look at me NL wow look at those frogs they're jumping around just then she reached for my face and turned it to meet hers you're driving me crazy do you know that do you really mean that mhm everyone is crazy about you but why me to be honest I don't know you're just something else something special I closed my eyes as she leaned in and when her lips finally touched it felt so magical that I felt butterflies and I had this unbearable urge to fart I couldn't risk becoming a walking embarrassment in front of her I had to save my dignity I uh I need to go what why I'm sorry I was super ashamed about it and the fact that that I wasn't being truthful about who I really was made me feel bad a few days later I finally decided to come clean and confess as I was looking for Kiara I saw some guys drooling over a girl in the hallway and blood drained from my face when I realized who it was Reese holy crap what was she doing here have you seen my Leon around I swear my heart tells me he's just here hiding panicking I immediately ran to the back of the school and called Mom and she begged me to come back because Reese had been out of control lately just give me more time mom please just do something about Rees I'm not ready to come back as Leon after talking to Mom I made sure Rees was gone before I came out of hiding but Kiara saw me what were you doing here I I was just look if you don't like me then just be clear with it and reject me instead of making me look like a fool how could I reject a goddess like you look there's something that you need to know and I need to just then my phone rang and I excused myself to answer it it was Mom and she informed me that we needed an emergency meeting about Reese ASAP because she was throwing a tantrum right now and she might tell the press that I was in hiding what is it you were going to tell me I'll tell you next time I need to go after an emergency meeting we tried looking for Reese but she was nowhere to be found the next day in class I got the biggest shock of my life when Paxton arrived with her and there were a lot of reports qus with them everyone eyes on here Ree and I got a little movie to show you he suddenly played a video of me talking to Mom about Reese yesterday and everyone was so confused just give me more time mom please just do something about Reese I'm not ready to come back as Leon I was about to escape when suddenly Paxton grabbed me by my hair let's welcome the best actor in our class no other than the Superstar Leon who got bored with his life so he ghosted his girlfriend and decided to deceive us all Haxton then snatched my glasses and took off my wig oh Leon my Leon my Pookie Pie it is indeed you as Reese jumped on me I met Kiara's eyes across the room and she looked horrified no this couldn't be happening just then the ladies went wild before they could devour me alive I ran out of the school and hailed the cab to go straight home to Mom we then found out that Reese had arranged a press conference immediately and started spilling everything mom and I decided to do a Counterattack it's true that I had enough of the celebrity life and that is the reason why I decided to take a break I wanted to be with people who weren't crazy about me don't get me wrong I love my fans and I'm always grateful but we celebrities are human too we also need some peace and privacy I truly love acting and I won't quit but I don't want to live a fake life anymore I just wanted to be me also reys and I aren't dating it's just for the show I don't like crazy obsessive girls most importantly I'm in love with someone else my lady Knight in her shining helmet I hope she feels the same way reys went completely Bonkers so I was forced to file a restraining order against her and our movie was eventually cancelled but who cares I only cared about one person right now but she suddenly vanished on Earth I asked the restaurant manager for her address and when I went there her brother told me that she didn't want to see me I told you not to make her cry but what did you do now go away please just let me talk to her fine consider this as my payment for the ice cream and burger he then led me to where she was hiding inside the fridge are you planning to freeze yourself to death here do you hate me that much no I just feel so ashamed of myself ashamed of what because it has always been you you idiot I hated lehon because the fan girl that I told you about was actually me what so you were actually my fan turned hater yes maybe that's why I was drawn to you the first time I saw you as null maybe deep inside I always knew it was you and then I got to know the real you and fell in love but I hated myself for not realizing ing it sooner I should be the one to apologize for deceiving you I swear I have been planning to tell you I know I watched your statement earlier and regarding your confession I feel the same way I mean isn't it obvious I love you Kiara I love you too NL Leon my princess or whoever you are she finally leaned in for a kiss but I remembered something and backed away wait I I have something to tell you what that you fart whenever you kiss me how did you know that relax I think you just need to get used to it and I'm here to help you with that come on I need to know how the best actor kisses in real life and with that I gave her the best kissing scene ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] but when we finally pulled away I screamed when she suddenly turned into a guy a familiar guy babe wake up it's time for your shoot huh Marcus are you okay and then it clicked everything was just a dream I dreamed about a handsome man oh so you're cheating on me in your dreams no he was the male version of me and he was actually too late I'm already mad and only a kiss could make me feel better okay now let me tell you about my dream it was crazy fine

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