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    Woke Up From A Coma As A Queen

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    y head was pounding as I slowly woke up she's awake your highness you're awake huh your highness what was happening hey there I'm Bella and I'm about to take you through a whirlwind of Royal troubles ready for some Royal chaos hit that like button and subscribe right after waking up the doctor came in checking on me and asking a bunch of questions you've had an accident you've been out for 3 weeks do you remember your name can you name an animal that starts with e good news I knew my name and my family's names bad news I couldn't remember anything anything about my life and here's the Shocker the doctor said I might never get my memories back I was super confused when my family came rushing in my sister Aurora just a year younger than me and a huge gossip tried to update me on all the Royal news but my mom stopped her let her be she just woke up but Mom she'll want to know everything right Bella Aurora that's enough that's my dad the king Bella you gave us a fright no more football for you you need to rest now Bella I was surprised my parents par didn't hug me or kiss my forehead I mean I just woke up from a coma later Aurora snuck back in and started telling me about my life which sounded pretty awesome you're a star athlete you have a boyfriend named Vincent a boyfriend where is he and you're a total Rebel you never listen to Mom and Dad a rebel but why because they want you to marry some Prince but you're in love with Vincent why don't they like my boyfriend he's not a prince you went on two dates with him and you were really into him your phone was broken in the accident so you can't check your messages you two were like love birds cool is he Rich yeah a lot his dad is a big businessman but Mom and Dad want a prince for you to be honest they're pretty happy you got amnesia they hope you'll stop eting them thanks for the heads up love I owe you as I tried to pick up the pieces of my life over the weeks my only friend was Aurora who kept telling me little bits of my life before Amnesia one day Mom and Dad insisted that we do a press release do we have to the Future Queen should certainly do that it certainly is not in that outfit here dress like a princess hey I never got a press conference after I broke my leg last year Aurora please be quiet now not everything is about you guards come take her outside I was shocked how they talked to her and she kept screaming while the guards dragged her away then Mom dumped a super frilly pink outfit on me just 5 minutes later Aurora sent me an SOS message they're about to announce your wedding as if this outfit wasn't bad enough now they planned this I was is livid so during the announcement I demanded to speak wonderful let's hear from our future Queen but they didn't expect what came next never heard that chickens have impressive memories maybe if I were from a royal chicken lineage I'd remember more dad was livid and grounded me for a week despite my illness sick or not a future Queen cannot act this way that night I was chatting with Aurora when my parents suddenly came in followed by three dacts who looked pretty pretty intimidating more like butchers and medical professionals Aurora leave now why what are you planning to do to her then Mom signaled a body guard and he dragged Aurora away as she shouted don't listen to them one doctor opened his case revealing a long frightening needle I screamed until everything went dark my parents were unbelievable but thank God I had Aurora over the weeks Aurora filled me in on my life before College started she gave me my diary too reading that I was super anxious to see my boyfriend a week ler later I was finally ready to go back to college it was a crazy fancy place where only kids from Royal and super rich family study as Aurora and I walked in flanked by a mini Army of security guards I spotted him Vincent my boyfriend he stood there with a bouquet of roses and gave me a warm inviting smile Aurora winked at me and walked away my heart was racing I felt like I was back in my teenage years Vincent came over looking at me with so much affection can I hug you I couldn't help but smile and Nod as he hugged me he said you look beautiful Bella I've missed you a lot it felt like I was seeing your face everywhere we chatted for a while and he was so polite and respectful Vincent spent the day introducing me to people helping me remember who was who from before I lost my memory I met a few friends which felt a bit strange but having Vincent there made things feel more comfortable later on he mentioned that he and my friends planned a party to help jog my memory that might be too much for me I get it but how about you try the party and fit feels overwhelming we can leave and spend the rest of the night just the two of us his idea sounded good so I agreed that evening my parents said the doctors were coming again so I was even more eager to head out to the party Vincent texted saying he was waiting outside but how could I sneak past the guards in a fancy dress and heels I grabbed my heels in one hand and my purse in the other then quietly climbed out of the window and tumbled into the bushes luckily the security wasn't too tight so I managed to avoid them and got to Vincent's car the party was okay but after just an hour I started feeling a sharp pain in my body Vincent quickly called his driver to take me home and he even paid him extra to keep quiet about it as I sneaked through the garden to my room I heard footsteps behind me and felt a bit scared come out or I'll whoop your butt then I accidentally bumped into someone and without thinking I flipped them over who are you I'm Dylan The Gardener I helped him up sorry about that it's okay I'll survive he gave me a wink but made me blush girl you have a boyfriend stay focused can I ask you something do you know what I was like before m not really I'm new in this job but you kept to yourself seemed a bit snobby and arrogant oh wow thanks for being honest before he could say anymore Aurora rushed over and pulled me away what are you doing talking to him he's just a gardener the next morning my parents were really mad at me turns out Dylan The Gardener told on me so Aurora said we should keep things quiet for a while until things calmed down one night feeling really upset I snuck out and climbed a tree in the garden I just needed to think then I Heard a Voice why is a pretty princess like you up in a tree oh it's the snitch I don't know what you're talking about can I come up I've got something to say sure why not Dylan tried to climb up but he wasn't very good at it when he finally got up he was all messy for cute guy you're not very sporty so you think I'm cute that's good to know now what's bothering you honestly I didn't expect to spill my guts to The Gardener but I guess I just need someone to listen and you seem genuine so here it goes I ended up telling Dylan everything it was so easy to talk to him man that sucks that's all you've got you're not great at giving advice can't argue with that but hey I stole a chocolate bar from the kitchen today you want some sure why not I ended up staying with Dylan until sunrise for the next few weeks I hung out with Dylan whenever I could and it was great but I felt guilty Vincent was a nice guy and I didn't hate spending time with him either But as time went on I started to prefer Dylan's company over Vincent's it puzzled me why I'd rather spend time with Dylan maybe my Amnesia and the medicines were really messing with my feelings then one evening I found Vincent in my room unexpectedly Vincent what are you doing here you've been acting distant is something wrong I didn't know what to say um how about I show you around the palace I was hoping for a different answer but okay let's spend time together he kept asking why I was acting different I dodged his questions but he persisted then we reached the Royal jewelry room if you need space just say so it'll hurt but I'll understand in my rush to change the subject I quickly entered the passcode on the digital keypad and let him inside get ready to be amazed this is where we keep all the Royal jewelry isn't it beautiful Vincent was stunned then Aurora burst in Bella why is he here Mom and Dad would freak out he needs to leave now after leaving the room Aurora went to her bedroom Vincent looked at me clearly hurt maybe I should leave reach out when you want to talk or actually maybe don't Bella you ignore me and act Superior the only reason people respect you is your Royal status and that's just look not an achievement with that he left and I was shocked that he just said that later that night I was jolted awake by loud yelling outside the Royal jewelry room the family Tiara passed down for five generations is gone I froze Vincent but he was with me the whole time then a bodyguard approached us we found someone on the security footage you need to see we rushed to the security room my heart sank as I watched the video there was Vincent hiding the Tiara in his jacket while my back was turned to him looking at Aurora not only are you seeing the guy we've said no to multiple times but you also showed him the jewelry room what's wrong with you we've been patient with you because the doctor said you needed time to adjust but this this is unacceptable and how did he even get in your highness our check showed the cameras were off and only started recording when Bella began her tour with Vincent really Bella did you think you could outsmart us what on Earth I don't know please stop yelling at me then everything went black and I fainted when I woke up Aurora was by my side telling me I'd been out for 12 hours the police were now looking for Vincent just then Mom stormed in your father is furious he can't even look at you but I'm here to tell you that you're no longer the future Queen we've decided Aurora will take that role you think I care well guess what I don't but Mom I don't want to be a princess either I can't stand it it's not up for discussion and she left us there throughout the week I felt more and more anxious the guards were always around keeping an eye on me and Vincent was nowhere to be seen one day as I sat in the garden Dylan came over he acted like he was just doing his job but then he quietly said to me your parents aren't really bad they're strict and can be a pain yes but they never wanted you to marry any prince aurora made that up you should look into it how do you know all this a servants hear everything we catch all the gossip later that night I went to talk to Aurora in her room planning to lie to get her to reveal something why do you think Vincent stole the Tiara I think he was upset you preferred hanging out with the gardener over for him he knew stealing The Tiara would land you into trouble Bo are dumb and when their ego is hurt they can act Dumber did you hear they caught him no they didn't actually they did they caught him trying to leave the country he spilled everything Aurora it's time to stop of course that was a lie Vincent hadn't been caught and Aurora's explanation for why he stole the Tiara actually made sense I don't know what you're talking about are you feeling okay did you take your medicine I know I wasn't perfect before my accident but I wasn't a troublemaker either you didn't need to scheme if you really wanted the Crown you should have just told me I would have stepped aside sure as if Bella the darling princess would give up anything poor Aurora always in Bella Shadow that's what they say I was happy when you got amnesia it was my chance what chance are you talking about for a moment Aurora looked lost like she'd been caught off guard chance what chance I don't know what you mean it doesn't matter I recorded everything you just said as I tried to leave Aurora attacked me we ended up fighting until the guards separated us I showed my parents the recording they were shocked and immediately called off the announcement about the crown they were really mad at Aurora you've gone too far how can you hate your sister so much not just her you and Dad too they decided to send her to my Royal uncle on the other side of the world hoping it might teach her a lesson I wasn't so sure I'm just glad the truth came out thanks to you and all the gossip I guess I'm glad I didn't lose let's see you lost your memory your boyfriend and your sister and the crown at least for now I don't mind I still have you Dylan took my hand and I kissed him them

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